Press Release: RAGT project to accelerate breeding of more resilient wheat varieties gets funding boost from UKRI
Maize Use Maize Use Biogas Grain Silage Multi-use Maturity Maize Maturity Very Early Early Main New READ MORE RGT MUXXEAL High yielding forage maize FortifyMaizeSecure DensityVigour + READ MORE RGT BLUEFOXX Good feed value FortifyMaizeSecure Density READ MORE RGT EASIXX New variety ! MaizeFortify READ MORE RGT PIXXON Exceptional all round standing power Secure DensityFortifyMaize READ MORE RGT OXXGOOD Excellent on-farm performance Secure DensityMaize READ MORE RGT DUXXBURY Extremely early maturing MaizeSecure DensityVigour + READ MORE RGT AGIRAXX The most widely grown maize this century FortifyMaize Loading