RAGT’s game-changing oilseed rapes on test and on sale this autumn
Publish on June 2, 2023
Reading time : < 1 min
RAGT is testing several new oilseed rape varieties packed with key traits that will improve crop reliability at five sites in the UK this autumn.
RGT CEOS, the standout Oilseed Rape variety in UK
HRG231, known as RGT Ceos in Europe, is the standout oilseed rape variety currently in National List 1 trials, says Lee Bennett, RAGT’s managing director. “It was doing so well everywhere in Europe, we had to have it.
“HRG231 has the lot – brilliant disease resistance including TuYV resistance, great pod shatter resistance, and it knows how to yield. This oilseed rape variety came through the MSL system, so we are stacking all these traits into a different genetic background.
“UK merchants are really interested. We’ve stacked in some real game-changing traits and the trade has latched onto this – they are looking for new alternatives.
“Along with another oilseed rape variety from the same father line, HRG231 broke the mould and exceeded the normal standard for yield on our genomic selection model.
“If it does the same in the UK as continental Europe we have something special on our hands.”
Stuffed full of yield
HRF19240, marketed as RGT Blackmoon in Europe and in NL2 oilseed rape trials here, is another growy type, says Lee. “It is stuffed full of yield, grows like nettles, has TuYV resistance and has pod shatter resistance.
“Across Europe last year it didn’t matter where it was, if it wasn’t top it was right up there. That to me says one thing – it is adaptable to a wide set of circumstances.”
HRG941 looks to be of particular interest in the north. “On the genomic selection model yield again looks good. It has the best light leaf spot resistance we have; it is clubroot resistant and has pod shatter resistance.
“If ever you want a product that’s tailor made for Scotland, this is it.”
Strong performance
Several other promising newcomers are also on trial, including RGT Kanzzas, a Recommended List Candidate variety that performed very strongly in NL trials.
“This is a great package,” says Lee. “It has amazing light leaf spot resistance – no other oilseed rape variety can hold a candle to it. It has solid Phoma resistance and is a real grower, with good establishment and spring vigour.”
“It’s an earlier type, stiff strawed and so consistent for output and pod shatter – it takes some beating.”
Limited amounts of seed will be available for three of the varieties this autumn; RGT Kanzzas through Agrii, HRF19240 and HRG231 through selected distributors.
Step change
Lee is convinced RAGT is on the brink of a breakthrough with its new oilseed rape material. “When you go through the NL trials in the UK you can see the step change in product,” he says.
“We have such a broad array of material coming forward, in terms of growth habit, maturity date and different traits. We want to build very rounded products, using all the systems available.
“It’s all about getting the variety to fit the farm, rather than making the farm fit the variety.”
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