Skyfall – a wheat for all seasons

Publish on August 19, 2024
Reading time : < 1 min
Skyfall will continue its long run at The Grange this autumn, the thirteenth year in a row it has featured in the farm’s wheat area.

“We multiplied Skyfall seed back in 2012 and it’s still delivering,” says Andrew Pitts, who farms at Mears Ashby, Northamptonshire. His 20ha crop averaged about 10.6t/ha this season – “a terrific performance” – and will make milling with fallbacks. In common with many milling wheats this season, protein content dipped, to 12.6-12.9kg/hl.

“That was still pretty good given the difficult year we’ve had,” says Andrew. “Specific weights hit 80+kg/hl, where they always are.”

While Skyfall is susceptible to yellow rust, it is holding up well against other diseases and remains the only fully recommended Group 1 variety with OWBM resistance.

“Every agronomist has seen the variety for 10 years or more – we all know how to grow it and to manage yellow rust,” says Andrew. “Start with a bit of tebuconazole or azoxystrobin at T0 to keep on top of it and it’s fine.”

Drilling date flexibility is also a very useful added extra, he adds. “What variety can you have on farm in September in a seed bag and still reckon to get a good yield by planting it in March? Its versatility is second to none.

“We sowed some on 7 April 2020 and we got 7.5t/ha back – that is very late but knowing it will still perform when the weather stops you drilling in the autumn is good insurance to have.

“Skyfall has been absolutely phenomenal for us and it shows no sign of changing. It’s been brilliantly consistent since we started growing it, whether as a commercial crop for milling or for seed. I can’t see us without it.”

Skyfall crop




  • The nation’s favourite Group 1 wheat
  • Widest sowing window
  • Only Group 1 with OWBM resistance and Pch1 eyespot resistance
  • Short, stiff straw
  • Late-season security – strong on brown rust and fusarium
  • Early ripening

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